Jaw Surgery


We are proud to offer corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) to our patients in the Fairlawn, Akron, Cortland, and Warren, Ohio areas. Due to technological advances in the orthognathic surgical field, we are able to provide patients with a clear picture of the results that their surgical treatment will achieve. If you believe you may be a candidate for jaw surgery, we strongly urge you to read more below and schedule a consultation with Drs. Najem and Lehky Orthodontics.

Problems Jaw Surgery Can Correct

Corrective jaw surgery can correct abnormalities of the jaws and teeth. Some of the conditions you may be experiencing which orthognathic surgery could correct include:

  • Chronic Jaw Joint Pain and Headache (TMJ)
  • Open Bite
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Receding Chin
  • Chronic Dry Mouth

As you can see from the list above, these abnormalities often cause difficulty associated with chewing, talking, sleeping and other routine activities. Drs. Najem and Lehky can restore your quality of life by easing these barriers you may be facing in your everyday life. Orthognathic surgery corrects these problems and, in conjunction with orthodontic treatment, can improve the overall appearance of your facial profile.

Effective & Comfortable Treatment

When you are considering surgery we will utilize the digital imaging technology, to demonstrate the functional and aesthetic benefits of orthognathic surgery. Digital imaging allows you to see everything that will happen during your treatment and most importantly the results you will achieve after treatment. There are many benefits to computerized treatment planning: shorter treatment times, recovery periods and the overall efficacy of your jaw surgery. We use state-of-the-art materials, including titanium plates and miniature screws to provide stability, strength and predictability to your treatment. All of these factors help us to reduce recovery time allowing you to return to your normal routine not long after your surgery.

While there are many benefits to orthognathic surgery, we never want to recommend a treatment plan that beyond what is necessary for our patient's desired results. Sometimes, due to the advances in orthodontics, an orthodontic treatment may very well achieve the same results. After you come in for your consultation with Drs. Najem and Lehky, we will determine the best treatment plan for your specific condition.

Find Out If Corrective Jaw Surgery Is Right For You!

As mentioned above, the best way to find out if corrective jaw surgery will work for you is to visit our Fairlawn or Cortland orthodontic offices! We treat patients from all over the Northeastern Ohio area, typically from cities such as Fairlawn, Akron, Cortland and Warren. Our doctors and friendly staff are happy to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the treatment process. Take the first step towards your new smile and contact us today to set your first appointment!